Third Wolverine Feature Not Yet a Go for Jackman

The Wolverine

According to the above article, Hugh Jackman has not signed on for a third solo-Wolverine film. This contradicts statements made a month or so ago that said he was definitely doing a third.

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Looking Back: All Quiet on the Western Front

I go back and do a video review for the third Best Picture winner, All Quiet on the Western Front (1930). It stars Lewis Ayers as the naive, young Paul Bäumer as he and his fellow German classmates move through the dangers of the horrific First World War. The film, directed by Lewis Milestone, also stars Louis Wolheim and Slim Summerville as two of Bäumer’s older army superiors.

The video review can be found here:

The original text review that I wrote in January 2013 can be found here:

The Child Catcher – A Boogieman of the Silver Screen

This is my entry in The Great Villain Blogathon co-hosted by the wonderful Speakeasy (, Shadows and Satin (, and Silver Screenings ( You can go to any one of their sites and find a list of all the fantastic entries that you should make a point to read.

The Child CatcherI hope you know everything that I do for you all. I was going to talk about the Joker from The Dark Knight (2008), but thinking about the villains who have stayed with me over the years, I came back to the one who frightens me the most out of all film antagonists. The Child Catcher from the 1968 musical, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Why the Child Catcher? The short of it is he scares the ever loven crap out of me. The long of it is…well, I’ll get into that below.

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